Right now and forever

Right now i don´t know what i should do whit my life.
My life sucks somtimes and somtimes is it just  fantastic.
I think I am fat and then I think I am small. But hello Why should I be a small person.
i have always been the fatest girl in my class becuse everyone else was and is so small. Why could I not eb the smallest girl. The girl ho everyone wnats to be like. i have never herd somone say to med that I am beutiful or small and just wonderfool. Like I want to be like you, why should you want to be like me i am a ugly and a  fhat person.
i don´t want to here of you now that Mickis you are so beutiful or somthink like that.
Becuse you just say it becuse you are my friend. if you not should be my friend should you say to your friend look at that fath and ugly person over there. OMG how can she  have that clothes look at here.

Ja jag Vet att jag inte är bar på engelska. Men får ut mig alltign bättre nrä jag skriver sådär :p
snart dusch och tv.

puss <33


Postat av: jennpenn

sv: haha de låter bra! :)

oj, jag trodde de flesta skolorna hade operation dagsverket! alla ska jobba för att tjäna ihop lite pengar som man sen ska ge skolan som sen skickar vidare dom till nått räddningsblabla som ger de till fattiga i andra länder ^^

haha xD <3

2010-05-24 @ 21:58:01
URL: http://ilyn.blogg.se/

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